The Well Plated Life

Fabulous food is my passion. My thoughts:

You can’t fake delicious.

I’m well versed in making real food, sweet or savory, that’s a feast for the eyes and imagination. I have a particular métier with baked goods of all types, but whatever I’m serving, I make it part of a well-plated, luscious scene.

When it comes to recipes, put your best food forward.

For as long as I’ve been cooking, I have been able to taste something in my head, and write a formula that takes you there. Give me a product or ingredient, and I can give you original recipes that feature it. Recipes that work, are well written, look great, and taste even better.

Keep it real.

For my photography, I work with natural light and my collection of vintage dishes, pans, and props to capture mouthwatering moments.


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